The world is changing. It’s impossible to ignore and it is happening fast.
As this change forges ahead, with or without our permission, the most important decision we face as individuals, leaders and members of communities, is how we participate in this change.
There is an opportunity for pragmatic idealists to explore, find, and implement solutions to the challenges we face as a collective. These complex challenges include the effects of climate change, cultural change, global conflict, ethical leadership, community management and even our own personal understanding of death and spirituality.
There is hard work to be done, and there is also the opportunity for great transformation.
I am excited about doing this is a way that ignites the fire in our bellies and the passion in our souls.
Saying yes to this transformation means committing to a different way, one that focuses on our intellectual, emotional, and social/spiritual capacities, and ultimately one where all of us will be more likely to live and die fulfilled, satisfied, in peace and complete.

Mary’s four pillars
of global transformation:

Mary is CEO of Impact Solutions International. Since 1995 Mary has been delivering world-class leadership and organizational development programs in public, private and not-for-profit organisations across multiple sectors. Over the past 10 years Impact Solutions specialized in working with business, spiritual and political leaders in countries emerging out of violent conflict. Her time now is spent developing the consciousness of leaders in a variety of high quality programs.

In her award-winning book, The Final Act of Grace, Mary shares her personal account of life, death, love and grief. With courage and candour she delves into discomfort, braving our death-phobic culture to take readers on a journey of how to master a peaceful death.

100 Women² – Women helping Women.
A community of women from all walks of life. We are joining together as a loose yet supported and co-ordinated network to make a difference to the lives of other women.
Our Vision: 100 women to walk 100 kms to raise $100,000 for causes associated with helping women rise.
Our long-term vision is that this walk is repeated many times hence the 100 Women 2.

The book, The Business Plan for Peace – Building a World Without War, published in 2017 demonstrates how 25 tried and tested strategies for preventing war can be scaled up and extended, in order to prevent armed violence worldwide. The response has been so favourable that we have established an organisation and are implementing the different strategic initiatives laid out in the book.
Clients Mary has worked with include:
Podcast: The Writing Journey Behind The Final Act of Grace
Podcast Series: The Writing Journey Behind The Final Act of Grace Every two weeks, for the next 12 weeks, we will be releasing a short podcast that relates to Mary's book; The...
New Podcast Series coming
Each week for the next 6 weeks, we will be releasing a new podcast. These will feature a range of topics linked to Love, Life, Leadership and the Spirit of all things. The...
During Mary’s time with us, I watched CPCS staff grow into a unified, cohesive team that mutually supports one another in all fields of our work, enhancing our organizational capacity. Her leadership training left me confidant that our team will continued to shine on, building upon the foundation of core values and ultimately pushing the organization to higher standards. There is no doubt that we are a more effective and grounded organization for it. I hope one day she will return to Siem Reap to witness all the good work Impact Solutions International has generated here. Until then, we remain committed to growing and strengthening CPCS on the foundations she has helped us build.
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